Alphalearning in the World Press
The following article was over three years in preparation and included dozens of interviews with doctors, scientists, corporations and families familiar with the work of the Alphalearning. Variations of the article have been published in many magazines, journals and newspapers worldwide.
Now, having followed Alphalearning for ten years, Jules Marshall interviews both recent and old clients. He shows Alphalearning’s relationship with the Bundeswehr University in Hamburg and the long-term results achieved by its clients.
“I asked apprehensively how long this change would last, expecting to be told minutes or, at the most, hours. When I was told that it was permanent, my eyes filled with tears.” Read the full article here.
“Alphalearning´s scientists developed a unique method for controlling brainwaves. This makes it possible to train the brain with a view to optimal learning, acceleration of the processing of information, stress reduction, and an increase in creativity.”
“The stories told by those who participated in these training sessions could easily be taken for those told in relation to one of Jomanda’s miracle healings. There is, however, one exception – Alphalearning’s method has got nothing to do with miracles, it has a solid foundation of scientific research.”
“The implications of the technology that has been developed by the Alphalearning are enormous. Apart from the obvious benefits that this technology offers in increased learning ability, one thing that wasn’t predicted was the dramatic effect it has had on a number of victims of brain damage.”
“Can a machine really make you smarter? The Alphalearning might have found the answer with a machine that can cure everything from brain damage to dyslexia and poor golf handicaps.”
“The computer is the new guru. The new Brainwave I brain trainer can alleviate and even cure a wide range of brain disorders – dyslexia, autism, Attention Deficit Disorder and others.”
“It’s important that society takes Alphlearning’s claims seriously. Many conditions that are currently hard to treat – or only by using damaging drugs – could be alleviated.”
Sunday Morning Post Magazine – Hong Kong – “Can a machine really make you smarter? With the modern world heading for information overload, the human brain could do with an upgrade. The Alphalearning Institute might have found the answer with a machine that can cure everything from brain damage to dyslexia and poor golf handicaps” (Download of the Sunday Morning Post Magazine’s original article)
GEO Magazine – Korea – “The computer is the new guru. The new Brainwave I brain trainer can alleviate and even cure a wide range of brain disorders – dyslexia, autism, Attention Deficit Disorder and others. It can achieve rapid and dramatic increases in intelligence and reading speed, stress management and sporting performance” (Download of the GEO Magazine’s original article)
EGO 2000 – Brain Journal – Holland – “A remarkable device this Brainwave I. It’s the combination that does the trick – first, one’s brainwaves are measured with an EEG, and then the brain stimulation with computerized light and sound. Spectacular results have been achieved”
How To Pass Exams – Textbook on learning by D. O’Brien – World Memory Champion – “The implications of the technology that has been developed by the Alphalearning Institute are enormous. I believe their work to be a major breakthrough in the evolution of human intelligence, and I predict that by the turn of the century, every school, college and university in the developed world will have access to this technology and that it will be a requirement of an industry that its workforce use it”
National Geography Magazine – Taiwan – in a 26-page color article in Chinese – “It’s important that society takes Alphlearning’s claims seriously, simply because, if true, they do indeed represent a new era of medical treatment and education. Many conditions that are currently hard to treat – or only by using damaging drugs – could be alleviated. Hundreds of thousands of children struggling in school could be helped. And, in an age of increasing stress, violence and ecological destruction, we could all use some wising up.” (Download of the National Geography Magazine’s original article)
Wave – Science Journal – Holland – “Slimmer smarter and better…in 12 minutes. With the super brain machine Brainwave I you can read faster and increase your IQ” (Download of the Wave’s original article)
Forbes – World’s No. 1 Business Magazine – “Speed reading like a world champion – and more. How a decision maker in the flood of information can become the Master through electronically supported brain training with Alphalearning equipment” (Download of the Forbes’s original article)
Synapsia – The international brain journal – U.K. – “Brainwave I – Nautilus equipment for the brain, the result of 4 years research. Neurosurgery with light and sound waves is now a reality”
Executive Secretary Forum – U.K. – “The amazing potential power we all have in terms of untapped abilities can be unlocked if the right key is used. Alphalearning’s innovation in learning skills and changing habits have led to a revolution in learning techniques using the Alpha states”
Management & Resources Report – Belgium – “With the help of Alphalearning most people will learn a lot, and quickly. From this writer’s personal experience, the Alpha state is a nice place to visit. You can relax and find that the inner mind is probably the most peaceful place on earth. The next time work pressure builds up, take a 5 minute trip to Alpha”
Buzan’s Book of Genius – The definitive text for mental world records – U.K. – “Alphalearning Institute graduates sweep the world records in speed reading – 1st place and 6 of the top 10 readers have been trained by the Alphalearning Institute”
Brabant Bits – Electronic Journal – Holland – “Computer-aided brainwave control is now possible with Brainwave I”
What’s New in Training – Belgium – “State-of-the-art advances have been synthesized in the Alphalearning training. The Alpha state instantly creates synchronization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which allows total concentration and total recall”
Avant Garde – Modern Life Magazine – Holland – “Electronic mediation is here now!”
International Hypnotherapy Conference – U.S.A. – “We have been shown a most magical vision – your talents are extraordinary”
Evening Standard – U.K. – “New innovative techniques”
Midweek – free thinking journal – U.K. – “To correct bad habits has normally taken quite a lengthy training. With Alphalearning, brain training can be reduced to just a few sessions”
RASP – educational journal – U.K. – “Less pain, more gain with a turbo-charged brain”
Management Centre Europe – Belgium – “Your course was awarded a rating of 18 out of 20, an MCE record – well done!”
Oval Table Conference – Belgium – “The revolutionary learning techniques of Alphalearning can help executives on an individual or group basis”
New Edge Electronic Conference – Holland – The producers of “Lawnmower Man” – a movie about transforming the brain with light and sound – “We thought we had produced a science fiction movie, however, after seeing a demonstration of Brainwave I, we realize we produced a documentary ahead of its time”
Other items for download:
Popular Mechanics – Venezuela (Download of the Popular Mechanics’s original article)
Calibre – Malaysia (Download of the Calibre (Malaysia)’s original article in September 2011)