Neurofeedback and dyslexia

Day-to-day of a Learning to Learn Course

In January 2011, in Sao Paulo city, the first course in Brazil was held to deal with dyslexia problems. For Dr. Tania Valery, lawyer, and her daughter, Barbara Valery, student, only in relation to reading, an improvement of speed and comprehension in the order of 600% was achieved. With the practice of training, other skills will emerge and the whole of what is perceived as “dyslexia” simply ceased to exist.

Dyslexia, the challenge

The Alphalearning published in 1996, in the International Conference of EEG and Neurofeedback (USA), after testing its system in 500 dyslexic cases and have more than 8,000 recorded EEGs, that dyslexia could be cured within 10 to 30 training hours. Alphalearning (which has 100% success with its customers) published on the website, several scientific studies and articles in journals of international standing. These are milestones that are unmatched by any other research group at this moment.

The course – practical results

The course was held from 17 to 21 January 2011 in São Paulo. Conducted by Alphalearning consultants in Brazil and attended by videoconference from the Research Director, again we achieved 100% success.

On the first day of the course we conducted assessments of reading and memorizing patterns and some neurological tests. A lawyer Dr. Tania Valery could read 143 words per minute (wpm) and, according to her statement, without any understanding. In the notes she made, she just copied parts of the text. Her daughter, Barbara Valery, student, read at 168 wpm, obtaining an understanding below the minimum.

After three days of preparation with Brainwave Station, the brain was already balanced and could learn to control brain waves well enough to have a new life. Returning to the question of reading: In the first minute, reading properly Dr. Tania went from 143 to 430 words per minute and Barbara, from 168 to 400. The understanding also improved. However, the result was just starting and did not represent the actual ability they possessed. With more training they came to the end of the fourth day with Tania to 630 wpm and Barbara to 690 wpm. In this case, the level of understanding increased dramatically. Both were able to tell in detail what they had read in the story, the middle of a book that they had never seen before and was something unknown to them. The notes were complete and complex.

On the last day of the course, Dr. Tania, with tranquility and security, achieved a stunning 1,420 words per minute with a greater understanding. Barbara, reaching 840 wpm, took more than 1 minute to read a page. Obviously the understanding of both was absolute. Our recommendation: if you want to read and understand and remember what was read, read at your natural speed. This can be achieved in five days.

The scientific approach – Neurofeedback and Dyslexia

Using the images and explanations below you will able to better understand the paths taken in the course with a graduate student Barbara Valery.
Learn to read the next graph – Brainscapes diagram:

  • The rectangle on the left represents the left brain, the other the right.
  • The horizontal axis represents the frequencies from 1 to 31Hz.
  • The vertical axis of the passage of time, in the case below a total of just over 3min 55seg.
  • The emphasis on horizontal lines measures the intensity of brain waves in certain frequency and at some point.
  • The small numbers from 1 to 5 between the two hemispheres are markings placed by the operator to indicate specific points of the test.

The image opposite shows the results obtained in the first 4 minutes of testing on the first day of course.

It also indicated a minimum intensity of brain waves during all test activities and at all frequencies.

In this case (where there was no medication involved), is the sign of a long period of dyslexia. The tension caused by the imbalance of frequencies between the two hemispheres caused brain wave immobility.

Here we see the result of stimulation by Brainwave during the second day of the course.

One of our first goals was to arouse the brain to brain waves that had a higher intensity.

The difference between this and the previous image shows clearly that Barbara responded to stimuli that were taught. She literally woke up – and felt the difference.

Learn to read the next plot – Average frequency diagram:

  • The blue bars represent the left hemisphere, while the redright.
  • The size of each bar (left or right) indicates the intensity of each frequency.
  • The vertical axis indicates the center frequency represented by each bar of 1Hz to 30Hz.
  • This chart is an average of the previous chart, so all the time is measured.

In this picture we see the same information as the previous graph in another way.

At all frequencies the intensity of the waves is always greater in the right hemisphere than the left.

Classic Dyslexia !

The right hemisphere is responsible for imagination and creativity has dominance, which explains dyslexics’creativity combined with the lack of response in other areas where it requires the left hemisphere or the synchronicity between the two (as in reading).

Please note that all the activity above 14Hz should not exist because there was virtually no muscle movement in these 30 minutes (Barbara watched a video documentary about Alphalearning and brain research). This activity indicates the existence of brain damage – which can be felt by people as confusion, lack of objectivity, learning disabilities, ADHD or dyslexia (as in the case of Barbara). A major goal during the course is to get rid of all this activity up to 14Hz and the amplitude between 1Hz and 14Hz balanced. Before this imbalance can be resolved they can not cure dyslexia.

Learn to read the next graph – Relative percentage:

  • Blue lines represent the left hemisphere, while the redright.
  • The oscillation of these lines is the graphic representation of brain waves on their relative percentages.
  • The first couple of lines (above) measures only the Beta waves. The central pair measures the waves and the last Alpha Theta waves.
  • The bottom horizontal axis measures the passage of time (in this case a little over 29min and 48sec.
  • The vertical axis indicates the relative percentage of each wave in each hemisphere.

This is another way to view the reading of the two previous graphs.

With the exception of the Theta waves that are close (47% to 48%) have a significant predominance of the right hemisphere in Beta waves (21% vs. 15%) and Alpha waves (31% vs. 26%).

Theta waves are also related to creativity and the memorization / recollection. Unfortunately with so many waves and waves going through Beta and the Alpha waves unbalanced, the brain fails to receive information. Of course there is no way to memorize something that did not reach the brain, causing a false diagnosis of memory problems there because the person “can not remember things.”

Extending only the end of this reading that we are analyzing, we noticed something very curious about the 28 minutes: the left hemisphere had already trained, learned and reconnected and had decided to rest.

This is an interesting natural ability we possess: the moment that the brain has done its best to that point it just stops the process of restructuring to self-infuse everything that happened and they can continue in the future. In this case this occurred only in the left hemisphere.

Now a new reading was performed of almost 15 minutes duration. After a time of rest and assimilation, new behavior emerged. The left hemisphere is now a major activity that comes to overshadow the right hemisphere which had been dominant before.

The same previous reading, seen by its mean. The left hemisphere before underpowered tries to compensate for years of imbalance experiencing new skills learned and Brainwave now possible because of the new neural connections.

The left hemisphere surpassed the right hemisphere activity probably the first time in the life of Barbara. Without losing any previous skill and talent, new skills had become available.

The percentages for the same previous reading. The left hemisphere (blue lines) learning to function in all waves without waiting too long for the right. We’re still on the second day of the course.

Learn to read the next graph – Absolute levels:

  • Blue lines represent the left hemisphere, while the redright.
  • The yellow line measures the balance between the two hemispheres. The more swings, the greater the imbalance.
  • The oscillation of red and blue lines is the graphic representation of brain waves.
  • The first triplet of lines (above) measures only the Beta waves. The central trio measured waves and the last Alpha Theta waves.
  • The bottom horizontal axis measures the passage of time (in this case just over 14min).

The absolute levels of the same reading above. This graph compresses them into one image and 14min 52seg of the previous charts. At this level of compression any minimum movement on the yellow line (which measures the balance between the cerebral hemispheres) is extremely significant.

In a new reading lasting 22 min 52seg and still having a predominance of the left hemisphere and many Beta waves (above 14Hz). We can see the end of the chart after 18 minutes, both hemispheres sharply reduce activity.

The same reading earlier seen by their averages. The left hemisphere is still prevalent and many Beta waves to clean.

The percentages for the same reading. Theta waves closer again but still a distance in the Alpha and Beta waves which should be reduced.

The same thing in another chart. The oscillation of the yellow line over time shows the imbalance between the hemispheres in each of the three main waves.

Only at the end of this same reading, close-up showing the moment where both hemispheres resolve to cease activity and reaction to the stimulus of Brainwave. End of second day and deserved rest (and necessary) until the next day.

On the third day after a good rest, it was time to practice what we teach to the brain in the previous two days: how to go to Alpha.

According to Michael Hutchison, only Zen monks with 5 to 10 years of daily proper meditation practice are able to relax the brain for a frequency of 9Hz at will.

For Barbara it took two days. The graph represents what we call Alpha Test: the ability of the person: (1) go to Alpha (right after a yellow number that is between the two hemispheres), (2) relax further and go to theta (waves 3Hz of between 35 seconds and 1min), (3) being forced into Beta by external stimuli and (4) return immediately to Alpha and remain so. The control of brain waves featured in this chart speaks for itself. Just compare it to the chaos of the graphics from previous days.

The same test before, seen by his overall average to the predominance of Alpha waves to 9Hz.

It is very important to note that (1) waves above 14Hz practically no longer exist and (2) the two hemispheres are very close to an equilibrium.

With the previous stimuli from Brainwave, existing brain damage is disappearing in the same proportion as the waves disappear above 14Hz (actually they are present here on behalf of external stimulus Barbara offered to around 1° minute). This incentive is one way to train the brain plasticity skill to jump from one wave to another at will and also by reaction to the environment in any threatening condition.

One of the effects caused by the Alpha wave, which has long been researched by science, is the balance of the brain as a whole.

In this chart, the same test as before we see the Beta waves with a small 2% difference from one hemisphere to another. Alpha waves with a residual difference of 1%.

Theta waves also differ with the predominance of the left hemisphere. Having detected this difference, balancing it will be one of our next goals. We’re still in the third of five days of the course.

A zoom only in the second half of the test – Alpha waves under the Barbara’s command.

Keeping only the portion of the graph where the command trained to enter and remain in Alpha state, we can see the strength of this wave on the other.

Another effect: all the waves above 14Hz which indicated brain damage ceased. Also the perfect balance of the two hemispheres is more firm – using the Brainwave, improvements are permanent and cumulative.

In a new reading over a longer period of time, Theta waves (around 3 Hz) and then the Alpha waves at 9Hz maintained for minutes by her own control.

The same graph seen in their average: Alpha and Theta waves showing perfect brain balance and in deep concentration.

No wave above 14Hz that could indicate brain damage: all were resolved.

Concentration and attention were perfect in these 12 minutes.

Where is dyslexia? Where is the imbalance between the hemispheres? Where is the brain damage? Dyslexia is healed, leaving only the habit of a lifetime to read slowly and not understand almost anything. This will be the point of the fourth day of the course: to teach reading using the “Ferrari” that the brain should always have been.

The same moment seen above by their relative percentages. It remained only a negligible natural difference and 3% in 1% Alpha and Theta. Excellent learning experience for those who came to have 15% difference two days before.

New Training: Alpha waves continued for 12 minutes.

It is estimated that every 20 minutes of meditation (in the West) a person can maintain 20 seconds of Alpha during practice. The effects on health and balance are immense: if you do Yôga or Transcendental Meditation you know what we are talking about.

Barbara, with three days of training, had 36 times more Alpha State in 12 minutes (and would keep it longer if asked) than a person usually reaches in 20 minutes of meditation. In other words, Barbara reaches in one year of 20 minutes of Alpha what other people would take 60 years to achieve in total meditation. It is no wonder that such a person does not consider herself to be dyslexic. Dyslexia was attacked at its roots: the brain. The changes achieved are permanent.

The same moment seen by his above average. Alpha 9Hz to 7Hz.

The relative percentage of each wave / hemisphere is getting better. There were still two-days of the course to run. Much was learned during this period, just not posted here!

Neurofeedback and Dyslexia – Conclusion

“Reading is the pinnacle of what humans can do. It is the most complex of human functions.” These are the words that conclude the work of neurologist Dr. Sally Shaywitz’s School of Medicine, Yale University, USA.

Due to its complexity, reading requires teamwork between the left and right cerebral hemispheres. When this delicate balance changes, reading becomes difficult, slow and pointless. Brainwave station, going to the heart of the issue of dyslexia, teaches the brain how to achieve and maintain this state of equilibrium.

Of course, dyslexia is a broader issue than a reading problem, but we proposed in Alphalearning that if we could improve the reading of a person, we could improve any aspect. And we have achieved this in 100% of courses.

Several lines of study comment that the dyslexic problem is the lack of memory in the short and long term. Certainly. If you can not assimilate the information, whether read, heard, felt or perceived, of course you can not memorize it. There is simply no information to be memorized by the brain. The field of brain waves with this problem just because a person goes to command that the brain must do: decide and be logical, learn, be creative, remember, recall or rest.

In this course, mainly focused in neurofeedback and dyslexia,  just in the aspect of reading, memorizing and understanding, Barbara went from 168wpm to 840wpm, and Tania, after the last interview, from 143wpm to 1,420wpm. The level of understanding has also increased and with the practice of this training, other skills will emerge. All this was achieved in 5 days.

It’s all a question of balance between the hemispheres and control of brain waves.

If you control your brain waves, you control your emotions. In control of your emotions you decrease stress and decreasing stress you can read and learn better.

This is the greatest discovery of all time in the history of learning since the invention of writing.

Double-Blind Study
Case Study
Julia Lowes – The history of a dyslexic
James Douglas
Dr. H. J. H. Richards
About dyslexia

If you have any question about your specific case, please, contact us.

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